Surely one of the most attractive capital cities in the world, Edinburgh offers so much to visitors and residents alike.
Yet despite all that would satisfy our search for excitement and pleasure, we can still know an emptiness at the heart of our lives... a yearning for true and lasting fulfilment.
However, to discover what we really need we must be willing to look in the right direction... and to do so, please let me introduce you to some special features of the city.
Edinburgh Castle is the perfect symbol of strength and stability... reminding us that we all need a sure foundation on which to build our lives. And we'll find no better source of everlasting security than through entering into a personal relationship with Almighty God...
Yet, doing our best to live a decent life won't 'put us right' with God. This is possible only through the Lord Jesus Christ who says...
...I am the way and the truth and the life. No-one comes to the Father
except through me.
John 14:6
Berthed in Leith Docks the former Royal Yacht Britannia has become one of the greatest tourist attractions in the country. Visitors flock to see how the British Royal Family lived on board this famous vessel.
However, as we think of our own daily living there will be those things we'd prefer to keep well hidden. From helping ourselves to our employer's pens to sexual immorality, each of us is far from perfect.
Yet God knows us... better than we know ourselves. And He loves us so much, despite all of our faults and failings, that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the Cross of Calvary, taking the punishment we deserve for all our wrong-doing. But this doesn't put us right with God automatically. We must seek His forgiveness, with His help turn away from all we know to be wrong and ask the risen Christ Jesus into our lives by His Spirit to be our Saviour and Lord. And in doing so we're forgiven and receive a completely new start in life... with the motivation and power to live a new lifestyle...
...if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
2 Corinthians 5:17
In 1874, at Edinburgh's 52 Queen Street Dr James Young Simpson discovered the anaesthetic property of chloroform. But when asked by a journalist of the day what he considered his greatest discovery, he replied, '...that I have a Saviour!'
And coming to know Christ Jesus as Saviour and Lord is still the greatest discovery we can ever make.. coming to know Him, not simply by hearsay but by acquaintance, as our closest friend. Why not reach out to Him in prayer today... and discover that He's already reaching out to you!